Microchipping for Pets

Discover the importance of microchipping and ensure the safety and security of your pet.

No pet owner wants to think about their pet getting lost. It’s important to take preventative measures before that happens to ensure your pet will make it home safely. Microchipping is the process of implanting your pet with a small device to help us find them if they ever get lost. It’s a pet-friendly and safe way to identify them. Our team wants to be able to equip your family with all the tools you need to keep your pet safe. Although we hope your pet never becomes lost, we want you to be prepared. We can also help you put a plan in place so if your pet does go missing, you’ll be able to act quickly.

What is microchipping?

Microchipping is a permanent tool that allows us to identify your pet if they are lost. It’s a one-time procedure with lifelong effects. The microchip is a small, rice-grain shaped device placed under your pet’s loose skin at the back of their neck or shoulder. We can microchip dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, birds, and other companion animals, too! Contact us at 604-824-5848 to schedule an appointment.

How does pet microchipping work?

If a lost pet is found without an ID tag, a handheld microchip scanner is used to check for a microchip. If the pet has one, a low-frequency radio wave is transmitted to the scanner and detects the pet’s ID number. This ID number is linked to the pet owner’s information and the owner will be contacted after the chip manufacturer provides their contact information.

I’m very careful with my pet. Do I still need to get them microchipped?

It is difficult to guarantee your pet will never get lost, no matter how careful you are. It only takes a second for your pet to run through a gate left open or break free from their leash. It’s best to take preventive steps to ensure you’ll be able to find your pet if they get lost.

Besides microchipping, what else can I do?

Collars and ID tags are a great way to help identify your pet, in addition to microchipping. Make sure your pet’s ID tags include up-to-date contact information to ensure they can make it home to you faster if they are lost. However, collars and ID tags are not permanent and can be removed or misplaced by your pet. With a microchip, your pet will have a much better chance of being identified and returned to you.

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